Using economic analytics, we provide causal, time series or qualitative methods to help predict and forecast future skills needs & gaps. We do this across multiple industries or sectors, regionally, nationally and globally.
Using exploratory, normative or predictive scenarios, we help organisations to plan skills needs better. We identify specific uncertainties or future realities as to what may happen in your environment.
Using conceptual, logical & statistical methods, we turn data into knowledge to drive evidence-based decision making. We take big data or complex datasets for modelling skills needs, transformed into actionable insights.
Using ISO 56000 as a framework, we assist small / large organisations to better manage, measure and evaluate their innovation efforts & activities, in a systematic way to realise value in their products, services or processes.
Using ISO 26000 as a framework, we support small and large organisations committed to operate in a socially responsible way. We provide advice and guidance to measure, value or evaluate societal & stakeholder impact.
Using ISO 37101 as a framework, we assist small & large organisations to protect the future of local communities & citizens they serve. We help support environmental, social and economic needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Using a co-design approach, we work with clients in tandem to envision their future strategic options and direction. We utilise tested & trusted tools alongside contemporary design-led principles to create new strategies.
Using a co-production approach, we work with organisations in tandem to share influence, skills and experience to co-produce policy, strategy, toolkits or to deliver evidence-based practices.
Using a design-led approach, we work to create innovative strategies with your customers, clients, collaborators or partners. The involves using both divergent & convergent processes.
Using Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) as a framework, we assess organisation's business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues. We integrate data and reporting, from supply chains to ensure sustainable practices.
Using Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a framework, we track global goals adopted by UN member states. We measure and evaluate goals relevant to your organisation in achieving a better and more sustainable future for all your key stakeholders.
Using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) as an international framework, for multi-stakeholder promotion of economic, environmental and social sustainability. We use standardisation and materiality principles to gather and analyse data to assess if goals are aligned with organisational policies or investors.
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+44 (0) 28 9590 2955
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