The City of Dublin Education and Training Board needed to develop a statement of strategy, aligned to a changing policy landscape in Ireland for Further Education & Training, built on strategic pillars as a learning community.
CDETB is a large, agile and innovative organisation with a budget of almost €0.6 billion serving learners at Second Level and at Further Education & Training (FET) level in the City of Dublin. It also supports Further Education and Higher Education students in Ireland via sSUSI funding scheme.
Second level schools are expanding and growing and extensive FET provision is continuously adapting to the needs of learners, enterprises and local communities across Greater Dublin.
The strategy needed to build upon very solid foundations, at all times, anticipating future funding needs, in order to respond accordingly.
The strategy emanated from extensive consultation involving surveys, meetings, focus groups, discussions and dialogue whereby stakeholders within and outside the organisation examined and debated the priorities for the Education & Training Board (CDETB).
A Statement of Strategy was produced covering the period 2021 - 2025.
CDETB has innovative practices to respond to emerging and changing education needs of Dublin City. The Strategy began a new chapter to enable CDETB to create a positive learning culture across the city and ultimately create opportunities for all learners to reach their full potential over the next five years.
The Statement of Strategy addressed the diverse provision in Dublin whilst placing importance in teaching and learning at the centre of the community, to allow every aspect of CDETB provision to grow and develop, as a learning community.

Samaritans UK & Ireland sought a strategy to steer its mission in tackling suicide, adopting a set of strategic outcomes to increase Access, Reach, Capacity, Impact & Sustainability over the next 5 years.
Over five years 2022-2027, the Samaritans wanted to build on its core strengths and tackle major challenges that currently limit it.
Working towards five organisational outcomes across UK & Ireland, a new strategy was co-produced, essential in achieving its vision of less lives lost to suicide.
Samaritans Ireland Strategic Plan was co-produced alongside UK’s Samaritans’ Strategic Plan 2022-2027. The strategy sets outs the direction of travel for the organisation across all five jurisdictions in which it operates: England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales.
The delivery objectives set out specifically for Ireland alongside wider UK developments to meet the ultimate aim that fewer people die by suicide.
Samaritans will review its progress against specific objectives each year and publish an updated delivery plan in 2024, focused on the final three years of the Samaritans’ strategy.
To achieve its strategic outcomes to Access, Reach, Impact, Capacity and Sustainability, Samaritans set out five priorities of its work across the UK & Ireland.
In Ireland, its committed objectives are to deliver on these priorities in the context of Irish needs and opportunities.
These specific objectives sit alongside those applied right across UK & Ireland, as set out in the overarching five-year strategy for Samaritans, from 2022-2027.
The Money Advice & Budgeting Service needed to design a new strategy to re-configure delivery of advice services in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, population and demographic changes across Dublin South.
The societal impact of Covid-19 pandemic had affected the population at large. However, those most marginalised and disadvantaged continue to bear the brunt in terms of health inequalities, financial exclusion, poverty and over-indebtedness.
Against this backdrop, Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) and Citizens Information Service (CIS) needed to re-evaluate existing service provision including office locations across the Dublin South region and compared to a number of potential models of best practice.
The purpose was to explore how both services could deliver a co-located model to best deliver dual services to the public in Dublin South.
The demographic data analysis & findings were designed to inform the co-location of services for both organisations within the South Dublin region to meet both present and future needs of the population.
The outcome was for the co-location of offices for both CIS and MABS to enable provision and access to public advice services on the basis of the following modes of delivery via a ‘triage’ approach with access to services, based on a prioritisation system via:
o Digital Access (Anytime, Anywhere)
o Physical Appointment (Central Hub Office)
o Outreach Advocacy & Advice Activities (Satellite Sites)
Client Projects
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